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Live shoppable commerce, also known as live e-commerce or live shopping, is a new and exciting way for people to shop online. Imagine being able to watch a video of a product and then click a button to buy it right then and there. That’s what live shoppable commerce is all about!

Platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Tokopedia, and Shopee are making it possible for people to shop in real-time. They are allowing sellers to create videos and live streams to showcase their products. This way, buyers can see the products in action and ask the seller questions in real-time.

To get started with live shoppable commerce, sellers need to prepare a few things. They will need a mobile phone, a tripod, a microphone, a room with good lighting, and a stable internet connection. They should also make a teaser video of the product before the live stream, and promote the live stream through the “Promotion” feature.

Shopping Ads is a new and exciting solution that helps brands meet shoppers wherever they are in the purchase journey, sparks demand and boosting sales. Shopping Ads is a three-in-one solution with new formats to adopt and combine: Video Shopping Ads, Catalog Listing Ads, and LIVE Shopping Ads.

Overall, live shoppable commerce is a great way for sellers to connect with buyers and showcase their products in a fun and interactive way. It’s like going to a store, but from the comfort of your own home. With the help of platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Tokopedia, and Shopee, live shoppable commerce is becoming more and more popular and accessible. So why not give it a try and see how it can benefit your business?

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